Our Partners


People and Plants works with scores of communities, organizations, governments, and others around the world. We work most closely with the core group of institutional partners listed below. Additional partners and collaborators are found on the program pages.


Woods and Wayside International is a non-profit organisation that conducts scientific research, policy analysis, education, and strategic communications to support more accountable decision-making processes related to forests, especially in Indonesia, Brazil, and the United States.

The Tropical Research Center (CITRO) is one of 19 research centers that the University of Veracruz, Mexico has founded in the last two decades. CITRO is an interdisciplinary academic space where research, teaching, technological development and linking activities are carried out, with a focus on building knowledge, conservation, and development of the tropics in Mexico.

The University of Cape Town (UCT). The Bio-Economy Research Chair at the University of Cape Town aims to improve understanding of approaches within the bio-economy that facilitate poverty reduction in a manner that is socially just and environmentally sustainable, and to stimulate a community of practice with regard to these approaches.

Sentrong Pagpapalakas ng Negritong Kultura at Kalikasan, Inc. (SPNKK), established in 2016, is the national Negrito umbrella organization. With 20 community organizations representing 70+ settlements associated with the network, the goal of SPNKK is promoting the cultural revival and empowerment of the Negrito communities of the Philippines.

Based in Limbe, Cameroon, Forests, Resources and People (FOREP) operates as a network, working in close collaboration with local and international organisations. FOREP works to promote ecologically sound, socially equitable and economically viable strategies for the wise management of forest resources in ways that improve the livelihoods of rural and urban people.

Rooted in the intersection of health, culture and nature, Sacha Warmi promotes a critical reflection on issues related to interculturality, especially supporting the construction of “original health”(salud propia) and intercultural programs among indigenous populations in the Ecuadorian Amazon, to support, fortify and revitalize traditional systems and indigenous organizations.

Riak Bumi is an Indonesian community-based natural resource management NGO based in West Kalimantan, active in the rural communities within and around the Danau Sentarum National Park in the Kapuas Hulu district. Riak Bumi promotes the balance between welfare of local communities and their environment through the empowerment of local people.

Ridgeview Conservancy is a non-profit based in New Jersey, working to strengthen people's connection to nature by providing hands-on opportunities to conserve and steward vulnerable forests, fields, wetlands, and cultural-historical sites. Youth and community members restore degraded ecosystems, and create trails to promote equitable access to nature for all.